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Tree Surveys and Reports

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07470 094845

Tree surveys and reports

GND Tree Surgery can arrange for a tree report, or if you require a Tree Survey to BS5837 British Standards, we can recommend a specialist company we work closely with that can undertake a more detailed survey.

When might you need a Tree Survey?

A tree survey is undertaken on public and private landscapes to enable homeowners or property management companies to make decisions. There is a considerable amount of work in a tree survey, and this might include trees that are selected to be removed or to be left in place.

What information is on a Tree Survey?

  • Number of trees (generally those that measure more than 75mm at 1.5 m above ground)
  • Reference numbers that are unique to each tree
  • Tree species
  • Tree age (this could be classed as young, semi-mature, mature, postmature or veteran)
  • Tree life expectancy
  • Tree height in metres
  • Tree diameter in centimetres (at 1.5 metres above the ground)
  • The crown radii in metres for the north, south, west, and east crowns.
  • The health of the tree and its condition
  • Recommendations for tree management

When is a Tree Survey Necessary?

  • If you are planning an extension of your property or planning to build new ancillary buildings and there are trees to consider.
  • The same applies if you are changing access or moving service lines. 
  • Any trees located within 12 metres of any new service line, new access point or building will need to be included.
  • If you are building a new property, you will need a survey of all trees on the site and any that fall within 12 metres of the site’s boundary.
  • A tree survey will probably not be required if you are not changing your property’s footprint, access points or service lines.
  • You will probably need a tree survey if you live in a Conservation area.

Tree Risk Assessment Survey or Tree Condition Survey

Suppose your job role includes being responsible for trees and tree maintenance. In that case, you might want to assess the condition of your trees to reduce risks. This is particularly important in high-risk areas such as schools, playing fields, campsites and other public areas.

We recommend being proactive in managing trees which will reduce your risks considerably. Contact us for more details.