07470 094845       |       Fully qualified and fully insured.

Tree Clearance

We were tasked with a project to remove a massive tree that had fallen across a garden onto private land adjacent to another garden in Burgess Hill. The tree, which was about 80 years old, had caused significant damage, having destroyed a shed and a 40-metre post and rail fence.

Our team utilized a track chipper and a one-tonne dumper, in addition to our chainsaws, to cut, chip, and remove the waste.

After clearing the area, we proceeded to rebuild the fence along the 40-metre stretch. We completed the project successfully within 4 days, including the removal of the entire tree and the fence replacement.

Project length:

4 days

Project Price:


Please have in mind that every landscaping project is unique of its kind, and requires different materials and labour. The price given above may only be valid for this job.

Call us on 07470 094845 or use our contact form

  1. tree clearance